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profit for dummies

What is Online Profit For Dummies (OPFD)?   

OPFD set by Ryan Maynard is an online Marketing Campaign that represents fortune 500 companies such as  Netflix, credit, Game Fly, ect. These companies are utilizing a part of there advertising budget to pay regular people like you and me to spread the word about there services, and are willing to pay a hefty commissionin order to do so! I know it’s a mouth full, but bare with me here.


Key Points:

  1. I am not taking any of my referred customers money that are joining, I don’t want their money, they are here for a reason, they want to make money too. Fortune 500 companies on the other hand, have millions of dollars in their marketing budget for trial type advertising just like this. so I don't mind them paying me,

  2. Its completely FREE to get involved and start making money! No website fees, no admin fees, no monthly fees.

  3. I don’t have to sell! Frankly I am not a good sales person. It comes with a “turn key” program already set up for you and the founder Ryan Maynard does all the talking in the tutorial videos and capture page. No cold calling. No products to buy, ship, or sell.

  4. I don’t need to be an internet wizard to figure this out. Just know how to follow step by step instructions, have internet connection, use email, and copy and paste, surf the web.


The Bottom Line:

My goal here is not to scam anyone into anything they do not wish to be a part of! If you are not up to visiting or joining the campaigns I recommend, than that is completely fine. I'm not a Guru, professional speaker, or salesman, I'm just an ordinary guy who makes money on the internet. I’m here to give my opinion on what worked for me, and possibly how you could do the same.

Starting a business online is not for everybody, but that does not mean that is hard. One needs to take action in order to see results. Follow the steps. There are 3 steps, and one optional step. This comes with complete step by step training videos. If you can watch a video, if you can copy and paste, use email, and surf the web, you can do this.





Getting Started!

If you are interested in joining Online Profit For Dummies click on this image link below to my “capture page” and put in your name and email. You will instantly get access and video guidance through the easy step by step process!


7 Sep 2015


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